Digital-Urban-Environments, 2019
A current research thread which argues that digital environments and urban environments have mirrors in respective digital/urban counterparts.
Recast by Design, 2019
A radio series of interviews about solidarity, politics, and sustainability in cities.
Bravos Froundry, 2018
Ongoing renovation of an historic finca into a para-academic space in Galicia, Spain.
Three Pathways to Get Anywhere, 2015
A book of experimental non-fiction on travel and cities in East Asia. Published by Rough Beast.
Mehr! Theater Hamburg, F101 Architekten, 2012-2015
Built Project. Part of the Grossmarkt in Hamburg is converted into a multi-use hall.
Berlin: A Morphology of Walls, 2010-2014
A book of research about the walls of Berlin and their architectural traces. Published by Archive Books.
Broken Kilometers, 2012
An installation made for an experimental exhibition / dance party titled "The Destructibles."
All My Cities, 2009-2010
My Fulbright project investigating youth perspectives in post-apartheid Johannesburg, South Africa.